News 31/05/2024

Recently, the Canadian International School (CIS) has been the venue sponsor of the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) 2024. This prestigious event brought together over 88 delegates from 8 different international schools, spanning three days of United Nations session simulations.

With the theme "Building Bridges, not Walls", ILMUNC 2024 tackles urgent global issues, calling for collaboration among young brilliant minds from various member countries. Student delegates will dedicate hours to research, present, and engage in debates to reach final solutions for the committee. This international platform allows young leaders to express their points of view and contribute to a better society, which fosters intellectual growth and personal development.

Let's give a round of applause to all the student delegates, organizers, and sponsors of ILMUNC 2024 for their significant dedication to an esteemed international forum that embodies the ideals of cooperation, discourse, and diplomacy. Congratulations to the 13 enthusiastic delegates from CIS, especially Missy K. Nghi and Helen (10th-grade students), who were awarded the Verbal Commendation for their outstanding skills and talents.

Once again, we invite parents and students to look back at the inspiring moments of ILMUNC 2024, hoping that the enthusiasm and dedication of these young leaders will continue to inspire future generations, fostering a commitment to building a better society.

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