News 26/11/2023

Becoming an IB member school since 2015, Canada International School (CIS) has been implementing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) for several generations of students aged 16-18. The C-A-S activity is one of the three core components of the IBDP, which IB students must complete as part of the program. The three strands of activities they are required to undertake often revolve around:


  • Creative: Organizing events and activities that foster creative thinking.
  • Activity: Engaging in physical activities that promote a positive and healthy lifestyle.
  • Service: Participating in volunteer programs, cooperation, and activities that benefit the community and society.

Numerous outstanding projects have been carried out, ranging from charity art exhibitions, charity runs, to organizing activities to help less fortunate children in remote areas. All student projects must have clear objectives and create positive value for the community.


Emphasizing the spirit of creating positive values for the community, students, through their creative projects, have spread a humane message through volunteer activities such as charity art exhibitions and contributions to help less fortunate children in remote areas. A notable activity is the mental health workshop titled "LOVE YOURSELF," led by Thuy, Tina, and Thao - 11th-grade IB students. Before launching the project, they conducted research activities, worked closely with the DP coordinator to obtain approval, and then planned the communication of the event, content transmission, and organization of online and offline seminars for their peers and the community.


Sharing about this project, Thuy, Thao, and Tina stated, "Currently, teenagers are not getting access to and guidance during their developmental phase, especially concerning mental health. Although workshops are helpful, they lack practicality. Therefore, we will post mental health care tips on the event's Instagram channel, encouraging everyone to apply them before participating in the workshop and share their thoughts at our event."


Before starting, the students were required by the DP coordinators to complete a proposal explaining the theme, detailed research plans, clearly stating the objectives of the activity, and writing an essay expressing personal thoughts. They then presented and debated with the DP coordinators to ensure the accuracy of the project's viewpoint and direction.


We hope that Thuy, Thao, and Tina have developed organizational skills, grasped every step of the event planning from online to offline communication, as well as engaged the community in practicing personal care tips in their daily lives.


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