The school believes that you have just had an exciting and meaningful experiential class on the theme '43rd Annual Professional Motorcycle Convention in Ho Chi Minh City.' As part of the Career Orientation course, aiming to provide you with all the conditions to support you in equipping yourselves with solid career directions for the future, our dedicated teachers have prepared this unique curriculum to convey practical and helpful knowledge to you.
What makes a difference in these classes compared to regular ones? In addition to being organized in the large Conference Hall, Ms. Melisa – the former High School Principal – made the atmosphere more exciting than ever. She accompanied you as a journalist, participating in interviews with prominent business owners and guests at the event – played by the Academic Advisors.
Refrain from limiting knowledge to textbooks and lectures. You had the opportunity to explore information related to business operations, recruitment situations, challenges, and opportunities, as well as the strategies applied to achieve success.
A little hint as to why the theme is related to the Motorcycle Manufacturing industry? The teachers want to imply that motorcycles represent a rapidly growing industry. Through this, you can gain a deeper insight into a competitive market with continuous changes, outlining career directions that match each individual's trends, interests, and strengths.
Not stopping there, you will learn how to build and leverage a network of relationships – a small but effective "niche" in the job market.
Let's look back at the exciting learning journey of these Grade 11 students with CIS.